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There is a new law for the new people of God for the Lord Jesus gave us this new commandment.[ John 13:34-35]. This new commandment supersedes the old commandment and when you keep this new commandment, you have fulfilled all of the demand for righteousness of the old commandment for this is what the Bible says.

How do you know when someone is born again? Is because he:

1.       Speaks in tongues,

2.       Is  baptized or

3.       Goes to church all his life?

These are also needed but they are not enough. There are more. John 3:14, this is how you know you have passed from death to life when you love the brethren. This is because you cannot love the brethren until your heart is circumcised.

When your heart is circumcised, it becomes unified to the heart of God then you begin to love people with God’s kind of love [Agape Love]

Romans 5:5

John 15:13

God’s love finds a home in your heart when you are born-again and these cause you to love other Christians. The love of ‘God, was demonstrated by Jesus Christ by laying down his life for us, the same way we have to love one another to an extent that we can lay down our lives for the brethren.

Matthew 19:28

Jesus came not to establish a religion but a nation and the people of this nation work with Him in His plans.

Colossians 2:9-12

Romans 7:8

Romans 2:28-29


Romans 3:27


Galatians 5:6

Faith works by love: love gives life to faith

1John 2:10-11

1John 3:4-9

In conclusion we say there is now new definition of sin, because sin cannot be known without the law. The definition of sin was formerly based on the old law, but now that the old law has been abolished; there is of necessity a new standard for defining sin. Now based on the new law Sin is any thought or act that gratifies you and disregards another, be it God or man. This definitely means stepping away from love, for love has seeks its own. Remember, whatever is not of faith is sin and faith works by love. 1John 2:1-2.

James 1:25

There is a law for free men. There is a law for men of the senses: natural men who are controlled by their senses, that is, what they see and what they feel. And that is the law of works but that is not the law for us. Jesus said, “If the son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. [John 8:36]

James 2:8

It is obvious that James is quoting. [Leviticus 19:18]

But why would he address the new creation with a law that has been abolished? That means James was not writing to those who were not familiar with the law but those who were familiar with it.

This proves that James at the time of writing did not have all believers in mind. [James 1:1]

So he was writing to the twelve tribes; the Jewish Christians who are familiar with the law. In writing to them James sought to bring their attention to another truth which he lets them know in subsequent verses. James 2:9-12

He lets his readers know that there is a new law; the law of liberty which covers everything in the old law and this law is the one that will be used to judge them. When you come to God, you begin a new life [ 2Corinthians 5:17]

1John 3:23

1John 3:24

1John 4:10-11

Romans 5:5



About the Author

A professional Teacher and an IT Instructor, A Niche Blogger, Social Activist, Preacher, and Content Writer. so dedicated to helping others discover their purpose.

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